Chairman’s Remarks for our 64th Season updated 28 March 2024

Our 64th Annual General Meeting was held online on Zoom on Monday 8th January and agreed to
waive the League entry fee of £5 per team for 2024, also revising Rules 32/33 (average scores for
defaulted matches). The PreSeason Meeting was also held on Zoom on Monday 18th March and was well-attended, lasting just over one hour.

The three 2023 Knockout Finals were held at Chippenham TC on Sunday 11th June when Trowbridge A(0) narrowly defeated Devizes A(0) 44-42 in the Mixed Handicap Cup. Chippenham B (22) beat Marshfield (25) 62-58 in the Plate and the Over 50s Cup was won by Chippenham A 6-2 v Trowbridge A.

The 2023 Summer Leagues produced 686 matches with 101 teams from 21 clubs. League Division Champions were: Mixed 1 Iconoclasts, 2Trowbridge B, 3 Biddestone B, 4 Iconoclasts B.
                             Women 1 Devizes A, 2 Chippenham A, 3 Chippenham B, 4 Lansdown C.
                             Mens 1 Malmesbury A, 2 Devizes A, 3 Devizes B, 4 Malmesbury C, 5 Holt.

The 2023/4 Winter League  had 3 divisions of 6 teams won by Trowbridge A (1), Trowbridge B (2)
and Freshford (3).

The 2024 Knockout competitions have identical 7 entries for both Handicap Mixed & Over 50s
with prearranged draws to keep A & B teams apart until finals are played on Sunday 9th June again at Chippenham TC.
Handicap Cup to be played in March/April:Trowbridge A(4) bye; Devizes B(20) v Chippenham B(12);
Chippenham A(4) v Trowbridge B(12); Marshfield(20) v Devizes A(0).
Over50s MixedCup:Chippenham A bye;Trowbridge B v Devizes B; Chippenham B v Trowbridge A; Devizes A vMarshfield; to be played in May.







Rolls of Honour

League Rules

Tennis Code

Chairmans Report



Winter League

Historic Records